U.N. General Assembly Updates: Trump Speaks Out on Globalization
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President Trump delivered his second address to the United Nations General Assembly, a year after threatening North Korea with “fire and fury.”
President Trump, whose apocalyptic speech in his United Nations debut last year riveted much of the world’s attention, spoke again on the world’s most important diplomatic stage on Tuesday, at the organization’s New York headquarters.
Mr. Trump has alienated allies and sidled up to adversaries, all while he pursues an America First agenda. Unlike in 2017, however, when Mr. Trump threatened to annihilate North Korea and its leader, Kim Jong-un, he touted his budding friendship with Mr. Kim — even though there has been little progress in their underlying dispute over North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missiles.
Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain and President Hassan Rouhani of Iran were among the other leaders scheduled to speak on Tuesday.
Trump attacks Iran and claims great successes at home and abroad

Mr. Trump boasted of what he called impressive accomplishments in the United States and around the world.
“In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country,” he said, setting off murmurs of laughter by world leaders in the cavernous hall.
“I did not expect that reaction,” he said.
“The United States is stronger, safer and a richer country than it was when I assumed office less than two years ago,” Mr. Trump told the General Assembly, in his second address as president. “We are standing up for America and the American people. We are also standing up for the world.”
He said that under his administration the United States had started building a wall along the border with Mexico, defeated the Islamic State and eased the crisis with North Korea through dialogue with the leader of the nuclear-armed state.
“We have engaged with North Korea to replace the specter of conflict with a bold and new push for peace,” Mr. Trump said, speaking about his Singapore summit meeting with Mr. Kim.
“The missiles and rockets are no longer flying in every direction, nuclear testing has stopped,” the president said. “I would like to thank Chairman Kim for his courage and for the steps he has taken though much work remains to be done.”
Mr. Trump said that sanctions against North Korea would stay in place until denuclearization occurs, but called the moment “far greater” than people would understand.
Mr. Trump denounced Iran’s leaders, calling them a “corrupt dictatorship” responsible for “death and destruction” and said his reimposition of nuclear sanctions had severely weakened the Iranian government.
“They do not respect their neighbors or borders or the sovereign rights of nations,” he said.
He also called for the “restoration of democracy in Venezuela,” and that he was adding economic sanctions on President Nicolás Maduro’s “inner circle” and close advisers.
Trump rails against high oil prices, globalism and the International Criminal Court
In a list of complaints about globalism, which he portrayed as a threat to American sovereignty, Mr. Trump rejected the legitimacy of the International Criminal Court, echoing recent statements by top aides like John R. Bolton, his national security adviser.
“As far as America is concerned,” Mr. Trump said, the court — which prosecutes war crimes and crimes against humanity — has “no legitimacy and no authority.”
We “reject the ideology of globalism,” he said.
He also spoke of renegotiating “bad and broken trade deals,” and said that “many nations agree that the trade system is in dire need” of change. He said the United States had “racked up $13 billion in trade deficits” in the last two decades.
“But those days are over,” he said. “We will no longer tolerate such abuse.”
While Mr. Trump touted America’s energy independence, he assailed the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries — which includes Saudi Arabia, a strong United States ally — for rising oil prices.
OPEC nations are “ripping off the rest of the world,” he said. “I don’t like it. Nobody should like it.”
“We want them to stop raising prices, we want them to start lowering prices,” he said in reference to the OPEC cartel. “We are not going to put up with it, these horrible prices, much longer.”
Warning against international reliance on a single supplier of energy, Mr. Trump applauded some European nations, singling out Poland, for moving to establish pipelines with the Baltics to break a dependence on Russian oil — in one of his few mentions of Russia.
But as he has done before, he attacked Germany for what he called its energy dependence.
“Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course,” Mr. Trump said.
Erdogan shakes hands with Trump, takes aim at U.S.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, who spoke directly after President Trump addressed the assembly, took aim at some United States policies, without specifically mentioning the Trump administration.
Mr. Erdogan assailed Mr. Trump’s Iran sanctions, support for a Kurdish-led coalition fighting the Islamic State in Syria and the legal protections afforded to Fethullah Gulen, the Turkish cleric-in-exile in Pennsylvania. Mr. Erdogan has described Mr. Gulen and his organization as the instigator of the failed 2016 coup in Turkey.
“Where does the head, the mastermind of that terrorist organization reside?” Mr. Erdogan said. “In the United States of America. And from there they export terror.”
Despite Mr. Erdogan’s criticism of the United States, he and Mr. Trump seemed to be friendly when they met on the sidelines of the assembly. It was the first time the pair had met in person since Mr. Trump announced sanctions against Turkey this summer, raising tensions between the two nations.
The sanctions, which have contributed to a sharp downturn in Turkey’s once-mighty economy, came after Turkey refused to release American pastor, Andrew Brunson, who was arrested in a widespread crackdown after the failed coup.
Mr. Erdogan’s communications director shared photos on Twitter of the Turkish leader shaking hands with Mr. Trump.
Secretary General Guterres: “We must repair broken trust”
António Guterres, the United Nations secretary general, who was first to address the General Assembly on Tuesday, called for solidarity among member nations and urged world leaders to help revitalize the global body at a time when multilateralism is “under fire.”
He focused his speech on a “trust deficit disorder” playing out around the world that has affected the United Nations’ ability to function. He also cited divisions in the Security Council — the United Nations body primarily responsible for maintaining international peace and security — that have left the council unable to make decisions.
“We must repair broken trust,” Mr. Guterres said. “We must invigorate our multilateral project, and we must uphold dignity once and for all.”
“Despite the chaos and confusion of our world, I see winds of hope blowing around the globe,” Mr. Guterres said, pointing to recent peace agreements between Ethiopia and Eritrea, and between warring parties in South Sudan.
How New York prepared for Trump and other leaders
New York went into gridlock mode as the F.B.I., Secret Service and New York Police Department safeguarded visiting dignitaries to attend the General Assembly. President Trump’s decision to stay at his Manhattan penthouse atop Trump Tower throughout added to the already chaotic midtown traffic.
The General Assembly typically creates traffic jams. At one point during the two-week session, the police said, 189 motorcades are expected to cross Manhattan in a single day.
Mr. Trump’s choice to stay at Trump Tower has not helped. This year, 55th Street from Sixth to Madison Avenues, and 56th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, are among the streets closed to vehicular traffic.
Whenever Mr. Trump has exited and entered Trump Tower this week, Fifth Avenue was closed to vehicles from 58th Street to at least 56th Street.
There are also nearly 50 dump trucks filled with sand serving as street barricades, according to officials. Earlier this week, at least 17 of them had lined Fifth Avenue between 55th and 57th Streets.
The vehicles — garbage trucks and salt spreaders that weigh 16 tons and can carry the same weight in sand — have previously appeared at mass gatherings including the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and New Years Eve celebrations in Times Square.
“They are a 32-ton obstacle should someone try and penetrate that area,” said Vito A. Turso, a spokesman for the Department of Sanitation, which supplies the vehicles.
Read more here on how New York City prepares for the world leaders that attend the General Assembly.
In a first, a Latin American woman serves as assembly president
In the hierarchy of the United Nations, the General Assembly president is considered one of the most prestigious positions. The president, elected annually, accords representatives of other member states the right to speak at assembly gatherings, makes decisions on points of order and has “complete control of the proceedings,” according to the rules.
This year, the assembly elected María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, Ecuador’s foreign minister, for the role. She is the first woman from Latin America to be elected assembly president, and the fourth woman to hold that position in the history of the United Nations.
In the official announcement in June that she had been elected, Ms. Espinosa dedicated her victory to “all the women in the world who participated in politics — sometimes facing political and media attacks marked by machismo and discrimination.”
Why Brazil speaks first
While Mr. Trump’s speech may have been the General Assembly’s main attraction, tradition dictates that a United States president is not the first to speak during what is known as the general debate, when the leaders take turns addressing the body.
That honor lies with Brazil — and has for decades. Why?
The answer dates to the United Nations’ early days when, according to the United Nations Protocol and Liaison Services, no country wanted to be the first to speak. Brazil repeatedly volunteered to be the first nation on the agenda, and the tradition stuck.
Brazil, which has been a United Nations member state since 1945 but does not have a permanent seat on the Security Council, has spoken first every year since 1955, save for three instances. This year, President Michel Temer, a deeply unpopular leader who has spent years fighting corruption charges, was the first national leader to speak.
The United States, as the host nation, is ordinarily given the second slot, although this year President Lenín Moreno of Ecuador spoke second because Mr. Trump was delayed.
The order of speakers then “follows a complex algorithm reflecting level of representation, geographical balance, the order in which the request to speak was recorded, and other considerations,” according to the United Nations.
Speakers are asked to keep their statements to less than 15 minutes, but world leaders often go over the allotted time. The longest-ever General Assembly speech was by Fidel Castro: four hours and 29 minutes, in 1960.
Rick Gladstone, Megan Specia, Michael Schwirtz, Sarah Maslin Nir and Mark Landler contributed reporting.
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